My friend Kyle from back in Orange County came up and we drove ALL the way down to Portland, hoping to see some of its notorious weirdness. We grabbed donuts at the famous Voodoo doughnuts (as seen on food network) - the line wrapped around the building! We waited for our dirty dozen for about an hour! And Kyle got yelled at by a boy with jet black hair, pants two sizes too small, in white sunglasses and shiny shoes. Kyle had cleared his throat and the flaboyant boy yelled: "cover your mouth BITCH" complete with the hip sway and the side to side arm movement. We turned around and he said "That's right, cover. your. mouth." And this time, he snapped. We couldn't believe it we just laughed.
Some guy mooched a couple bucks out of Kyle. Gave him the ol' "my car just ran out of gas..." routine. Then he quickly explained that the odd smell we had probably picked up on was only pachouli oil... riiiight...
I'm sorry to say, the town was pretty dirty and rundown. But the doughnuts were awesome!
I also had the chance to go hiking: Serene Lake and Bridal Veil Falls, WA

Beautiful pictures . . . you are your Daddy's girl . . . xoxo